
Kenny Litwack has been practicing law since 1976.  His first foray into fusing began in 2004 under the tutelage of renowned artist Dorothy Hafner. Since 2008 he has been working independently in his Fort Greene, Brooklyn studio. In addition to Dorothy Hafner he has studied with Rene Culler and Emma Varga both at The Glass Furnace in Istanbul, Turkey and in a workshop with Jeremy Lepisto. While his primary focus remains in fusing he has studied crucible casting with Mark Fergeson and Gene Koss at Urban Glass in Brooklyn. 

His earlier works consist mainly of abstract landscapes. He currently works as a portrait artist. The artist has only recently begun exhibiting and in his first show won a second place prize at the glass studio Urban Glass for his pixilated portrait of the work entitled, DIANE.

Art gives one perspective on life and life can give one perspective on art. Working in the pointelist tradition, much of my work consists of small distinct squares of layered glass or color. We can look too closely at ourselves in an attempt to see who we are. But to truly see or understand we must step back. In art and in life the sum is often greater than the individual parts we are defined by. If you can’t see the image...step back.